We are explorers, conservationists, friends, and we really love Maine islands.  

Back in 2014, we thought to ourselves, “What better way to experience Maine’s islands than paddling to as many as possible?” The first year of our journey included 27 island voyages and we had a blast. That's when we decided to spread the word about these floating wonders along the Maine coast and invite others to explore and submit stories of their adventures, laying the groundwork for an online Maine Islands adventure resource. 

Our ultimate goal, with your help: Paddle to and around every Maine island. All 3,200 of them.

Yup, you read that right.

With each voyage, we aim to build a community of Maine island enthusiasts: To ensure that the islands are both celebrated for their unique beauty and respected as irreplaceable jewels of Maine’s ecological heritage

This website is a live document of our adventures and a gateway resource for anyone who aspires to explore the Maine islands themselves. Here, you can discover or track down any island in Maine, connect with Maine islands ally organizations, ask questions, and even submit your very own Maine island field reports for publication on our site. (Use the CONTACT link on the website menu to get in touch.)

Like what you see? Then come join us! We’re a 100% volunteer-helmed organization and we’re always eager to welcome new friends to our community. There’s plenty of exploring to be done. Send us a message. We’d love to hear from you.

Oh, and to all you Maine islands out there, holding court in those briney, barnacle-rich bays, inlets, and coves...get ready. We’re coming to visit!